360 Camera Reviews

5-way 360 video comparison: 2017 Gear 360, Nikon Keymission, Entaniya 280 with GoPro Hero 4 Black, Giroptic 360cam, and Ricoh Theta SC

Here is a 360 video comparison between five 360 cameras, by Aram Pan of plus720.com!  Here are the cameras Aram compared:
– 2017 Samsung Gear 360
– Nikon Keymission 360
– Entaniya 280 on a GoPro Hero 4 Black
– Giroptic 360Cam (their first camera, not the Giroptic iO)
– Ricoh Theta SC

Here is the video comparison:

What do you think?  Let me know in the comments!  You can check out the cameras here:
– 2017 Samsung Gear 360
– Nikon Keymission 360
Entaniya 280 on a GoPro Hero 4 Black
– Giroptic 360Cam
– Ricoh Theta SC

Aram Pan’s YouTube channel is quite popular.  One of his past projects was a 360 video of North Korea (!).   Here is the story of his trip.  And here is his 360 video from North Korea (captured with the Entaniya 280 + GoPro Hero 4 Black).  You can follow Aram’s YouTube channel here.

About the author

Mic Ty


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  • The Samsung Gear 2017 overheating is worrisome! I plan to use it in a warm beach environment at the end of May. Was going to order it today but now I’m a little worried.

    • Personally I found it to have better overheating performance than the original… Not sure why Aram’s experiencing a lot of overheating.

      Best regards,

  • Is this really the new Samsung? Perhaps it is last years? It didnt say “2017” in the video. The stitch didn’t look very good at all. Or perhaps it was stitched on a phone? Is it visible from the other cameras? Otherwise, the keymission surprisingly looked and sounded the best.

    Mic, knowing that you can now stitch the old gear’s footage on a mac, which would you choose given the choice?

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