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Large-Sensor Professional 360 Camera Comparison Chart: the 360 cameras with the largest sensors

Large Sensor Professional 360 Camera Comparison Chart - The 360 cameras with the largest sensors
Large Sensor Professional 360 Camera Comparison Chart – The 360 cameras with the largest sensors

All other factors being equal, cameras with larger sensors have higher image quality, with higher bit depths and better low light performance.  Most 360 cameras use small sensors, about the same size as for smartphones or point and shoot cameras, which are typically 1/2.3-inch in size.   Some 360 cameras combine several of these smaller sensors to increase the image quality.  But there are several professional 360 cameras that use larger sensors.  Here is a list of the 360 cameras with the largest sensors.

You can click on the name of each camera to see a more detailed article about that camera.  The table is arranged from the largest sensors to the smallest sensors.  For cameras with the same sensor size, I arranged it from highest number of sensors to the lowest number of sensors.  The table can be resorted and you can also search in the search box:

Camera (click for more info)PriceSensorVideo Resolution
Excalibur15100Four full frame sensors (Sony A7S)6K (8mm lens)
Rig RedTwo full frame Red Helium sensors8K 60fps
Entaniya 250 rigTwo APS-C sensors (Sony a6500)5K (back to back)
4K (side to side)
Z Cam V1 Pro35000nine Micro Four Thirds sensors8K 2D
7K 3D
Insta360 Titan 10K Micro Four Thirds 360 camera
Insta360 Titan 10K Micro Four Thirds 360 camera
Insta360 Titan12000Eight Micro Four Thirds sensors10K 3D 360
iZugar Z8XL Micro Four Thirds 3D 360 camera rig
iZugar Z8XL Micro Four Thirds 3D 360 camera rig
iZugar Z8XL9999Eight Micro Four Thirds5.4K 3D 360
Z Cam S1 Pro
Z Cam S1 Pro
Z Cam S1 Pro9800Four Micro Four Thirds sensors6K 2D 360 (partial 3D 360)
iZugar Z4XL Micro Four Thirds 360 camera rig
iZugar Z4XL Micro Four Thirds 360 camera rig
iZugar Z4XL4999Four Micro Four Thirds sensors6K 2D 360
CES 2017: Boxfish 360 is a professional underwater 360 cameraBoxfish 360 underwater camera15000Three Micro Four Thirds sensors5K (waterproof to 300 meters)
Z Cam K1 Pro Micro Four Thirds VR180 camera
Z Cam K1 Pro Micro Four Thirds VR180 camera
Z Cam K1 Pro3000Two Micro Four Thirds sensors6K VR180
iZugar Z2XL Micro Four Thirds 3D180 camera
iZugar Z2XL Micro Four Thirds 3D180 camera
iZugar Z2XL1802699Two Micro Four Thirds sensors
Entaniya 250 for Micro Four Thirds
Entaniya 250 for Micro Four Thirds
Entaniya 250 one-shotOne Micro Four Thirds sensor4K 250-degrees
Sphericam Beast 360 camera with 1-inch sensors
Sphericam Beast 360 camera with 1-inch sensors
Sphericam BeastFour 1-inch sensors6K
Indiecam nakedEye S4Four 2/3-inch sensors6K CinemaDNG raw
Indiecam NakedEYE
Indiecam nakedEYE
Indiecam nakedEye9500 EURTwo 2/3-inch sensors4K CinemaDNG raw

I’ll keep updating this table as more large sensor cameras are introduced to the market.  This table will now be included in the Ultimate 360 Camera Comparison Tool.  Thanks to Luc Schengen for asking me to make this list!

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