Google VR180 app now available for download!

Google VR180 app
Google VR180 app

The Android version is here.
The iOS version is here.

Meanwhile, I preordered Lenovo Mirage camera, the first Google VR180 camera, and will post a review as soon as possible. It was scheduled for delivery today but Amazon and Best Buy are showing a possible delay.

About the author

Mic Ty


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  • The app only works if it detects a Google certified camera…

    So how come are there already four quite positive reviews when the cameras aren’t even on the market yet ?

    • Update: When I first installed the app, a box appeared that said “camera not detected”. I thought it didn’t make any sense that it would only work if detecting a camera. How could content be shared ?

      So I just opened it again and now it shows “connect camera” and “saved photos and videos” as two separate options. Makes more sense now ! 🙂

    • Great ! Let us know how it goes and if the app interfaces properly with it.

      Since I was your “bad influence” in getting that camera, I am very much hoping it lives up to your expectations… 🙂

      • It’s “only” a $300 camera so I’m not expecting all that much. It’s a chance to dabble in this new VR180 format. And possibly capture some memories in a different format.

        Might be good or bad to be on the cutting edge of this particular tech. We shall see.

    • Thanks for the link. I read through all twenty-two “very informative” pages and learned how to:

      a) turn camera on
      b) choose “photo” or “video”
      c) press button to take picture

      …but no way to adjust anything else ! So now I’ll be very curious to find out if that VR180 app also allows one to modify settings on the camera.

  • Facebook users. I’ve posted some unboxing photos and first impressions.

    So far:

    Initial impressions. Very light. Smaller than a typical cellphone. A bit slippery. Shows 9.41GB of available internal storage.

    Update: Connecting to VR180 app (Android version) was a snap. Followed the prompts in the app and connected quickly. App wants local WiFi access also.

    VR180 app allows control of MP size (5 or 9), EV, ISO and white balance.

    • Excellent unboxing ! I was surprised to see than they had the foresight to include two batteries. On the other hand they don’t include an accessory charger… I hope they offer one eventually.

      I looked at the picture on Google Drive but it appears and downloads as a single image instead of a stereo pair.

      The video clips however do download as stereo.

      In regards the focus and fusion problems, this is due to the camera being too close to the subject. Two feet minimum distance is what’s recommended.

  • OK I have an issue. It’s with anyone publishing 180 degree VR content and calling it VR180. As far as I’m concerned, VR180 is a proprietary format set buy Google and only shot with Google partner cameras (Such as the Lenovo Mirage.) and controlled with the VR180 app.

    No other cameras currently qualify other than the Mirage. People can produce similar content, using other cameras and software, but it is not VR180.

    Rant over.

    • > It’s with anyone publishing 180 degree VR content and calling it VR180

      Well, it is VR 180. And people have been doing this way before Google got into the act !

      VR 180 has been around for years and was essentially done using two DSLR’s mounted bottom to bottom and outfitted with fish-eye lenses. The first compact camera using this approach was the LucidCam and was first announced way before Google got into it. Google noticed this format and simply decided to appropriate it and tweak it for its own use.

      > VR180 is a proprietary format

      Google didn’t invent the medium – just tweaked it !

      > People can produce similar content, using other cameras and software, but it is not VR180

      Yes it is. Google has no precedence over the terminology. It’s been in public use way before they decided to adopt the term. Therefore, they have no specific rights over it.

      • I agree with everything you mentioned.

        I should have said “consumer” VR180. A standard format and cameras for the masses. Easy point and shoot. A few days Google itself said that the Mirage was the first consumer VR180 camera.

        I still think it is a proprietary format. (.vr.jpg) That’s why many of the first users are having issues trying to figure out how it displays, edits, etc. If it was more open source there would be far less questions.

        I really appreciate your experience on the subject.

        • > I should have said “consumer” VR180.

          And that would not be quite correct either since one of the VR180 cameras is the Zcam K1, a pro VR180 camera. Unfortunately, at US$3000, the K1 is way out of reach – even for many pros. What I am hoping for is a mid-range prosumer camera – more sophisticated than a p&s but not so exorbitantly priced – something like a VR180 version of the Nikon Key Mission 360 !

          > I still think it is a proprietary format. (.vr.jpg)

          Most definitely, That’s really what it’s all about. Not a camera but a format. I hear that LucidCam wants to adapt their camera for compatibility with that format and Google is all for it. In fact, Google has announced they want to help manufacturers and developers get into it. So, for sure, if this format catches on, we will see photo editors that can open and edit VR.JPGs as SBS and we will also see editors that allow SBS shots taken with other camera rigs to be converted to VR.JPGs as well. Needless to say, those SBS shots would have to be taken with compatible fish-eye lenses

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