360 Camera Software and Platforms

Stitch Samsung Gear 360 photos online for free with NadirPatch

You can now stitch Samsung Gear 360 photos online for free with NadirPatch.com, a web-based service that offers several tools for editing 360 photos.

NadirPatch is a free web-based service for editing 360 photos, with tools for adding a watermark, patching out the tripod, or converting a spherical photo into cubes.  They’ve added a new tool for patching Gear 360 photos.  You simply upload the photo in double circular fisheye format and it will stitch it as a standard equirectangular projection.
The 2016 Gear 360 was a very good camera that took great photos and videos but was hampered by poor compatibility (it would only work with high-end Samsung phones, S6 or above, and the desktop software was only for Windows).  NadirPatch’s online tool would be useful for those who don’t have a compatible phone or desktop, and comes at a time when the 2016 Gear 360 with 30mp photos can be purchased for less than $150 at the time of this writing.

About the author

Mic Ty


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  • NadirPatch is the ONLY tool I’ve found that will stitch Gear 360 images successfully – all the others really struggle.
    Copying the NadirPatch jpg up to Lapentor.com works really well and produces great panoramas that are navigable

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