
Add Tiny Planet or Rabbit Hole effects to your 360 photos on Kuula.co

Kuula.co is a platform for sharing and exploring 360-degree photos (videos TBA).  One way Kuula is different from other 360 platforms is that it has effects such as filters and a 3D flare.   They’ve just added a couple of new effects, allowing you to create a tiny planet or rabbit hole effect.

Here is a sample 360 image:

Using the Tiny Planet editor, I can convert the 360 image to a tiny planet:

Alternatively, I can use a rabbit hole effect:

The Tiny Planet editor is accessible as an option from the editing menu.  The Tiny Planet editor allows you to change rotation, zoom (scale) and the “bulge”, using simple sliders, and a checkbox to toggle the rabbit hole effect.  You can then save the image into your hard drive, or post to Facebook or Twitter.

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