
Compare sample videos from Samsung Gear 360 and Ricoh Theta S

The Samsung Gear 360 obviously has higher resolution video (3840 x 1920) than the Ricoh Theta S (1920 x 960) but how big of a difference is it?  Check out my sample video!  Please be sure to select the highest video quality (2160p)!

Here is a screenshot from the Gear 360:

Here is a screenshot from the Theta S:

The video was edited with the Gear 360 ActionDirector software included with the Samsung Gear 360.  I’m still having problems with the ActionDirector compatibility with my laptop but I’m glad the Gear 360 video quality is so much better.

For related posts on the Samsung Gear 360, click here.  For related posts on the Ricoh Theta S, click here.

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