
Monoshot: a more stable selfie stick / tripod for 360 cameras

Do you use a selfie stick for your 360-degree camera, but wish it could have more stability?  Check out the Monoshot, a modular selfie stick / monopod / tripod with extendable legs.


Selfie sticks have been derided as an accessory for amateurs and narcissists.  However, for 360-degree cameras, they are a legitimate tool.  Among other things, using a selfie stick or monopod allows you to avoid looking like you have giant thumbs or giant hands.  They also help you take the shot from a higher vantage point.  Selfie sticks that have tripod legs are even more useful, because they can take the shot while the 360 photographer moves out of the way.

One issue with conventional selfie stick tripods is that they are not very stable.  This can result your camera swaying and getting the shot blurred, or worse, the camera falling.


The monoshot is a selfie stick / monopod / tripod with some key features that are useful to 360-degree photographers:

– The legs are extendable, which can increase the base, and thus the stability.

– The angle of the legs can be made wider (as in the shot above), further increasing the base and the stability.
– Has a spike attachment for soft surfaces such as grass or sand.
– Longer / taller than most selfie stick tripods (extends to 5.9 feet).
– The legs are detachable so that you can use the selfie stick / monopod by itself if you don’t need to use it as a tripod.
– The detachable legs can be used with your camera as a mini tripod (see below).

Here are the dimensions of the monoshot:
Weight: 1.9 lbs /.9 kilos
Folded Length: 19.5 inches
Expanded Length: 5.9 feet

The Monoshot is currently $59 with free shipping in the US.  There is a 10% discount coupon (TAKE10), or a 25% discount if you order 2 or more (BLACKFRIDAY).

I ordered one (with my own money, on the same terms as everyone else) and will post a review when I receive it.

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