360 Camera Reviews Virtual Tour Cameras & Lenses

Review and comparison: Ricoh Theta SC2 vs Theta SC2 for Business

Ricoh Theta SC2 vs SC2 for Business
Ricoh Theta SC2 vs SC2 for Business

Here’s an in-depth review of the Ricoh Theta SC2 and the Theta SC2 for Business, two entry-level 360 cameras.  What are the differences between them and should you buy them?

Ricoh Theta SC2 is a more affordable version of the Ricoh Theta V, with some features removed (spatial audio, mic input, plugin support, shorter recording times) and a few new beginner-friendly options.  Theta SC2 for Business is a similar model to the SC2 but has different presets that are intended to make it a “foolproof” to take virtual tour photos.

Here’s a review of both cameras, by award-winning 360 photographer Yuqing Guo:

Here is a table that summarizes their differences:

Ricoh Theta SC2 vs Theta SC2 for Business
Ricoh Theta SC2 vs Theta SC2 for Business


Ricoh Theta SC2 is now available for $299 (Amazon or B&H Photo).  Theta SC2 for Business is not yet available in the US as of May 2020.  I’ll update this post when it becomes available.